Monday, April 23, 2012

English Flag (the Flag of St George)
Today is St. George's Day. St. George, the patron saint of England. You can read the history of this tradition at the website of the Woodlands Jr. School's page on St. George's Day. And if that isn't enough, and you are still wanting more in-depth information, the Britannia History page is very good.
St. George, Raphael

Another symbol of the day is the red rose. Here a London constable wears the rose on his helmet.

Even Google wants in on the act...


Lucy said...

I have never understood why St Patrick gets all the press.What about St David and St Andrew.

Priscilla said...

Well, St. Patrick was not Irish, St. George wasn't English, St. Andrew wasn't Scottish, however, St. David WAS Welsh. But, in those various countries, their saints days are celebrated. In USA there were so many Irish immigrants, the celebrations of their saint was noticeable. The whole country seemed to take it up as a day to party and drink. It has become secular, just as so many things here. I find that a good portion of people here, don't even know who St. Patrick was - or care.


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