Thursday, March 22, 2012


Just a short post to show you what Spring looks like here in Portland. See the snow? Lovely.


Antiques And Teacups said...

Lucky you...????We dodged that bullet. It snowed on the hills/Olympics but missed sea level. I would rather admire it...up there! But that's from living in it at 5,000 feet for 30 years! My husband's happiest day of our move down was selling the snow blower!

Adrienne said...

Snowing here, too. It'll be gone by tomorrow.

Priscilla said...

I'm sure if I was seeing it from another prospective I wouldn't appreciate it so much. I can sit here all warm and cozy with another cup of tea, and look at it.
When I was teaching, I likee it because it meant a snow day at school, and when I was really young it meant walking to school in the show and plenty of fun on the playground.

LIVS LYST said...

Thank you for visiting Livs Lyst. I have seen the blog "Lisbeths lille verden". It`s beautiful!

Thank you for stopping by ;O)


Rettabug said...

That should be US here in Ohio!!! We are having extremely unusual weather this year...very mild winter & now temps near 80º.
I feel for ya', Honey!!


p.s. Congrats on winning over at Kathleen's!!

Pondside said...

We had snow this week, but no accumulation. I am SO ready for spring!

Babs said...

Priscilla, Snow is so lovely and I know it's necessary to provide adequate water in the streams, etc. but honestly, after we spent 8 years in Montana, I don't mind at all that we rarely get snow here in Georgia. The photo of your cathedral window art piece is so pretty in the window with the snow outside. Thanks for letting me know about the interesting that it's in the hydrangea family. Have a great week.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

We were surprised by almost no snow this year.....I have to is nice to have a year off every now and then.


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