Saturday, June 02, 2012

Park on Lake Oswego

George Rogers City Park is the site of  The Oregon Iron Company built the first blast furnace on the west coast in what is now  Lake Oswego, the town where my daughter lives. It was built in 1867.

The railroad arrived in Oswego in 1886. A seven-mile-long line provided Oswego with a direct link to Portland.
By 1890, the industry produced 12,305 tons of pig iron,  and at its peak provided employment to around 300 men. The success of this industry greatly stimulated the development of Oswego, which by this time had four general stores, a bank, two barber shops, two hotels, three churches, nine saloons, a drugstore, and even an opera house.
Many of the men who worked in the company's mines were from Wales.
The site is now a beautiful park, located on Lake Oswego, an expansion of an earlier natural lake, named Waluga (wild swan) by Clackamas Indians.
 Polly went down close to see the ducks and geese. There was several half-grown goslings, but only one duckling.

The lovely landscaped gardens are dedicated to Mayor William Gerber.
The trees and shrubs are lovely. The grounds are well planned and provide a great place to have a picnic, or just sit and watch the lake and the wildlife.
This is the most innovative "park bench" I've ever seen. I love it!
A lovely young Magnolia tree.
The center of the flowers is so exotic.

I love how the BarBQue grills are shaped like the old smelter. Everything has been planned so carefully. 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Beautiful park. Looks like you and Polly had a delightful day exploring this picture perfect park on Lake Oswego.


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